live educational sessions
Understanding Laudato Si'

There is an accelerating and substantial movement in the worldwide effort to respond to the crisis of God’s Creation and take seriously the words and message of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, published in 2015.We are compelled by our Faith to respond to the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth. Within the past two years, there has been a call to implement this landmark encyclical with action through the seven goals of The Laudato Si' Action Platform
Offered January-April 2023
via Zoom
This four session series was sponsored by the Archdiocese of Louisville from January-April 2023. It was designed and facilitated by Louisville priest, Fr. Jim Flynn and Cory Lockhart, a well respected justice educator.
Over 200 people registered for the series, representing over 45 parishes and groups, 21 states and four international participants.For the first three sessions, participants were expected to read two chapters of the encyclical, Laudato Si’ and be prepared to discuss in small and large groups.The fourth session was focused on action steps moving forward and introducing the seven goals of the Seven Year Laudato Si’ Action Platform, promoted by the Vatican to implement, in all sectors of the Church, a response to the cry of the earth and the poor.

We've provided some helpful resources for you.
Laudato Si’ calls us toward sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology. With profound care for each other, our Creator, and all creation, we are building a better future together.How can we implement Laudato Si' in the Church without having read it?
Other important resources
Webliography for Laudato Si’ and the 7 Year Action Platform: Prayer, study and implementation resources. Edited from original compiled by the Passionist Solidarity Network.
Catholic Climate Covenant: Organizing in the United States
Laudato Si Animators: Become a Laudato Si’ Animator and join the global community of Guardians of Creation.
Laudato Si' Movement: The International perspective.
The Dicastery of Integral Human Development: The overarching work from the Vatican.
Contact Us

Father Jim Flynn
Since 2015, Father Flynn has been devoted to creating education and discussion opportunities to learn about Laudato Si’ with groups of individuals and parish teams including through Zoom gatherings. Father Flynn served as pastoral associate at Our Lady of Lourdes in the 1960s. In 1971, he helped establish Epiphany parish and later served as pastor of St. William and St. Martin de Porres parishes from 1982 through 1999. Reverend James Flynn has worked tirelessly on behalf of immigrants and other dispossessed people for almost the entirety of his priesthood.

Cory Lockhart
Cofacilitator Cory Lockhart is a Louisville-based and well-respected facilitator, teacher, artist, public speaker, and peacemaker. She facilitates classes and workshops on living and communicating with compassion. In April 2016 in Rome, she was one of about 80 participants in the Nonviolence and Just Peace conference, organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Pax Christi International, and other organizations. She was the 2016 recipient of the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville Angeline Award. Cory believes in the fundamental dignity of every person and the interconnectedness of all parts of Creation, including humans.